As a parent or guardian of an SMS student you are automatically a member of the PTA. Thank you for sharing your contact information with us. Stay up-to-date with our emails and newsletters, include your family in the directory, contribute to the Annual Appeal, volunteer and complete PTA-related paperwork  - all online in one spot. 





The next PTA General Membership Meeting is 

Monday, January 13, 2024 at 6 pm. @ MLK Education Center, Room 368

Please bring an ID to enter the building.


High School Parents 

Please contribute to the 2024 SMS HS Holiday Teacher/Staff Gift Fund



K-5 NDI (National Dance Institute) Performance in the Mezzanine at KMC

Wednesday, Dec 11th @ 1:15pm


Need a gift idea for your student or music teacher?

Check out our school store at https://smsstore.myspreadshop.com/


A Message from the PTA Executive Board:  



If ever there was a time to support the PTA’s Annual Appeal, it’s today. Your contributions to the Annual Appeal pay for initiatives that range from essential (professional development, AP training) to beloved (NDI, K-8 ice skating, graduation events). We can’t pay for any of these without your support.  Please help us reach our $80,000 family contribution goal. Here’s how:



1. Make a donation 

The following are three tiers of suggested contributions per student:     

$400 (or $40/month) // $800 (or $80/month) // $1,200 (or $120/month)


 2. Ask your employer about its Matching Gifts program 

Your employer’s Matching Gifts program could double or even triple the amount of your donation! Contact your company’s HR department to see if they participate.


3. Spread the word

Share our fundraising appeal with friends and family who may want to support your child(ren)’s education. 



Please, take a moment to make your contribution by credit card/PayPal or check today. Info for all can be found on the  PTA fundraising page. And don’t forget to shop for your SMS merchandise (a t-shirt or hoodie makes a great holiday gift) in our school store, where proceeds from all sales support the PTA.


Thank you!







PTA Meeting Schedule 

Monday, January 13, 6:00 p.m. @ MLK, Room 368
Friday, February 7, 8:25 a.m. @ KMC 2nd floor library
Wednesday, March 12, 6:00 p.m. on Zoom
Friday, April 11, 8:25 a.m. @ KMC 2nd floor library
Wednesday,  May 21, 6:00 p.m. on Zoom (PTA and SLT Elections) 
Friday, June 13, 8:25 a.m. @ KMC 2nd floor library